Monday, June 20, 2011

Mom has a hi-fi....

One of the joys of being newly divorced, is trying to maintain a sense of privacy separate from my ex.  This is not possible with shared custody arrangements and children.

Last week I decided to spend some money on a PC that we could use to manage and play our music.  I have been saving for a while towards this expense, not easy with so much else that needs to be done around the house.  All in all I paid about R2000 for the PC.  Not an exorbitant sum but for me it is a large amount of money. 

The kids were super excited when I brought the new addition home and I spent a few hours setting it up (which consisted of copying our music onto the hard drive, installing iTunes and finding a physical spot for it).  This is a major feat for me, since I am technology challenged.  After figuring out that the PCs want a 6 speaker system set up (when there are actually only 2 speakers), I declared the music system ready for use.

A thoroughly loud dance party ensued.

I felt exhilerated, proud of myself and content with my life.  I did not need a man to help me with this setup and secondly I managed to provide something we have been missing since we moved 6 months ago.  Yay.

Come Thursday when ex arrives to collect kids, guess what is the first topic of discussion before we have even loaded their bags into the car.  "Mom bought a hifi!!" 

I don't want to burst the kids bubble but IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR FATHER.  I am trying to establish independence here.

How do you explain to kids that we are no longer together and that he does not have to be privy to everthing I do?

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